Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Zooper Safari: Fitness Finders Classroom Management Program to Teach Students Positive Classroom Behaviors

Have you heard about Zooper Safari™? It’s Fitness Finders®new classroom management program that uses 7 cute Featured Creatures to teach students positive classroom behaviors. Zooper Safari™ emphasizes foundational behavioral skills, (Zooper Behaviors) that benefit children now and as they grow into teenagers and adults. 

These Zooper Behaviors include:

1. Have a Positive Attitude
2. Stay on Track
3. Listen and Follow Instructions
4. Take Initiative
5. Put Things in Order
6. Think of Others
7. Work with Others

Lifelong Learners

If you look at the Zooper Behaviors out of context, you might conclude that they are for a job description. That is exactly the point! These skills are directly applicable to students now and as they mature and enter adulthood. The same Zooper Behaviors that create a positive classroom atmosphere are directly transferable to work, family, and leisure activities. And Zooper Safari™ makes it fun to learn these skills!

By emphasizing these Zooper Behaviors early in children’s schooling, you can put students on a fast track to successful, satisfied lives. Plus, by improving the classroom environment in the present, students have the greatest opportunity to learn academically.

Why Zooper Safari™ Works for Children

We have specifically designed Zooper Safari™ to appeal to the minds of elementary school students. The lessons are engaging, participation is encouraged, and fun visuals are included – like video clips of the Featured Creature showcasing their Zooper Behavior in their natural habitat.

“Zooper Safari™ takes something that most kids already love – cute animals – and associates positive classroom behaviors with those animals,” said Lissa Strodtbeck, Curriculum Editor. “This helps the kids remember the Zooper Behavior, and encourages them to adopt/emulate the positive behavior themselves.”

Ready to improve your classroom learning environment while priming students with lifelong skills? Zooper Safari™ is available for purchase this Fall 2017, so start planning your safari now!

To learn more about Zooper Safari™ and read customer testimonials, check out our blog, Discover How Fitness Finders Can Help Tame Your Classroom!

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