
Thursday, July 18, 2024

10 Outdoor Games for Kids

Kids playing tug of war

  1. Tug of War

Create two teams. One team on each side of the rope. Depending on the size of the teams, Use a rope that's 25–120 ft long, depending on your team size. Have a marker to designate the center of the playing field. Then, mark 13–15 ft on either side from the center mark The idea of the game is that each team will pull the rope, and the first team to get their mark over the center mark wins the game.

  1. Red Light Green Light

One person (either a camp counselor or one of the players) stands at the front of the playing field, playing the role of the “traffic light.” The rest of the players stand a certain distance away from the traffic light, but close enough to hear the commands. The traffic light will have their back turned to the players (or hands over their eyes). The traffic light will shout “green light,” or “red light”. Green light means the players can move closer either walking or running. “Red light” means that the players must stop. When the traffic light shouts “red light” they can look and anyone caught still moving during “red light” will be eliminated. The object of the game is to reach the traffic light without being caught.

  1. Land, Air, Sea

Have three parallel lines of equal distance apart - if you're playing in a gym you can use the boundary lines and mid court line. If you're playing outside you can make your own lines and designate each line to either be “land”, “air”, or “sea”. All players will start at the middle line. 

One person will stand in front of the middle line calling out commands. That person can call out “land” and all the players will have to run to that designated line labeled “land”. If any players go to the wrong line they are out. If the person calls out “land” and the players are already there and their feet leave the line, they are out. The person calling out the commands can also call out multiple commands such as, “land, air, land, sea,” and the players must listen for the last command - that's the one that matters.

  1. Musical Chairs

Set up the chairs in two rows back-to-back. There should be one less chair for the number of people playing - if you have 15 people playing you would set up 14 chairs. The game will start with everyone circling the chairs as the music plays. Once the music stops, it’s a dash to see who can sit down first to avoid elimination. As the game continues and people are eliminated, chairs will continue to be taken away until only one chair remains to crown a winner.

  1. Balloon Toss

Fill one gigantic balloon with water, glitter, sparkles, and/or confetti. Space everyone out in a large circle, roughly one or two feet away from each other. Then, the players will pass or throw the balloon around the circle, trying not to pop it. Have backup balloons in case the game goes quick cause who doesn’t want to pop a balloon filled with glitter and sparkles

Water Balloons

  1. Water Balloon Fight

Fill up plenty of water balloons for both teams to throw at each other. For some added fun you can add coloring or glitter that easily washes off. The team least covered in color or glitter wins.

  1. Steal the Bacon

Split the group evenly into two groups and sit them with their backs turned towards the center line, approximately 20 feet apart. Assign numbers to each player on both sides from one to the final person. At the end, each team will have a number 1, 2, etc. In the center place a ball. When you call out a number, the goal is to be the first to reach the ball and bring it back to your side without being tagged by the other person. If you make it back safely, your team scores a point, if you are tagged, the ball goes back in the middle, and a new number is called.

  1. ABC Basketball

Children sit in a large circle and pass the basketball around the circle (like a hot potato) while singing the alphabet. Whoever has the ball when the group gets to the letter Z must go to the basket and try to make a shot. If a player makes the shot, he/she takes their seat in the circle. If they miss it, they are out.

  1. Crab Walk Soccer

Two teams sit on lines a short distance apart. Players on both teams are assigned a number, starting with one on each team. Place the soccer ball in the center. Someone calls out a number. The player from each team who is assigned that number crab walks to the center and attempts to get the ball over the opponent’s goal line. When a point is scored, the ball is returned to the center and another number is called. Team members may help but not score.

10 Sponge Relay

Create two teams and have them line up behind a starting line. Each team gets a small empty bucket and a large sponge. At the finish line, place two larger buckets filled with water. On the word go, the first person in line must run to their team’s water bucket, dunk the sponge in, run back with it, and squeeze all the water from the sponge into the team’s empty bucket. The wet sponges must be carried above their heads as they run back from the water buckets. They then pass the sponge to the next person, and so on until one team fills up their empty bucket with water. That team wins.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

EZ Scan for Fun Runs - Fund Run Program

 Trade in the old clipboard and pencil for the EZ Scan App to track, time, and report your data for your fun runs.

Mileage Club Kid Scanning EZ Scan Card for Fun Run

What is a Fun Run?

A fun run is a way to raise money for your school through sponsors and parents. Sponsors will donate a certain amount of money for each lap or specified distance completed by the participant. Participants can walk or run completing as many laps as they can to raise money. This money can be used to pay for school needs including next year’s EZ Scan and Mileage Club costs.

Types of Fun Runs

Fun Runs are not just a great way to raise money, but they are about community and creativity too! Themed fun runs can be a great way to encourage kids to participate.

Fun runs can be seasonal embracing the holidays, Thanksgiving Turkey Trot, Christmas or Hanukkah Run, Halloween, or Running into the New Year's Run.

Create a Themed Run to engage everyone like having a glow-in-the-dark run, colored run, bubble party run, superhero run, etc. Fitness Finders has a great selection of themed awards to coincide with your creative ideas and inspire kids to be active.

Have a run based around a special event like supporting a charity, kids against teachers or parents, including obstacles or a scavenger hunt, etc.

How to Have a Fun Run?

  1. Decide when and where your fun run will be and what you’re raising money for.

  2. Create a form to send home to ask for pledges, depending on how many laps or miles students will run within a certain time frame. Make sure they’re realistic goals!

  3. Create a fund program using EZ Scan to accurately track your laps.

  4. Host your fun run.

  5. Print out reports to show your sponsors exactly how many laps or miles were completed and let them know how well your students did.

  6. Make sure you thank your sponsors!

It’s as simple as that. Your students will love the challenge and your sponsors will appreciate knowing their pledges were fulfilled. Let us know how your fund run goes!

EZ Scan Banner

Use EZ Scan to Track and Collect Money for a Fun Run

Create a fund-run program within EZ Scan. To ensure your counts are accurate, the program needs to be separate from any other program you are running. On the day of the run have your students run and scan like normal, but be sure you're using the fund run program. When the run is complete EZ Scan will quickly and accurately count the laps your students finish, ensuring the pledges are complete.

Check out how Atlanta Track Club uses EZ Scan.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Donating to a Public School: Support Underfunded Schools

 Your donation could help reach more than one underfunded school, help thousands of children, and bridge the funding gap.

Public school teacher and student

How Are Schools Funded?

Schools are primarily funded by the government through taxes and public funding. Local districts use property taxes to fund schools, and the economic condition or tax base of the area influences the amount of funding the schools receive. This discrepancy in funding creates funding gaps. 

Districts with a lower tax base suffer the consequences of poorly funded schools. Poorly funded schools rob millions of children of the opportunity to succeed due to limited access to necessary tools and resources.

Underfunded School Gap

Underfunded School Demographics

High-poverty schools receive significantly less money per child each year.

Impact of Underfunded Schools

  • Lower Quality of Education

  • Limited Extracurricular Activities

  • Limited Advanced Courses

  • Limited Educational Resources

How Much Money is Donated a Year?

On average one in three people will donate to a charity around the world and cash giving is around 500 billion dollars. In 2022 charitable giving decreased 3.4% and an estimated $499.33 billion was raised.

Benefits of Donating to Charity

Helpers High

An NIH study found that when people give to charities, the regions in the brain associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust are activated, releasing endorphins in the brain, a feeling known as “the helper’s high.”

Mental Health

It feels good to help others, studies show that acts of kindness like donating to a charity has a positive impact on happiness. Regular acts of kindness or practicing gratitude have been linked to improve mental health because it creates more interaction between the parts of the brain associated with processing social information and feeling pleasure. The brain produces more dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin which positively impact mood and disposition. 


Finding and creating community is one of the most important parts of being human. Giving back to your community can help you feel more connected not just to other people but where you live and the world as a whole. 



Charitable donations are a great opportunity to make an impact on the lives of others. For example, a donation to Fitness Finders Foundation helps provide equipment, incentives, and support for young participants to learn about teamwork, goal-setting, self-confidence, overall health and wellbeing both mentally and physically through Mileage Club Program. 

When you give to charity, you can help positively impact the next generation. Charitable donations can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment knowing that your actions are going to a good cause that is dear to your heart.


Donations to charities and nonprofit organizations are often tax-deductible. Fitness Finders Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity, donations qualify for a tax deduction.

Why Donate to a Non-Profit?

Each year, individuals, bequests, corporations, and foundations donate billions of dollars to charities. When you donate to Fitness Finders Foundation, you’re helping to promote health and well-being among children in underfunded schools. 

How Can You Help?

Take a holistic approach to wellness through Fitness Finders Foundation. Founded by Dr. Charles K and his wife with a mission to enhance the health of people across the globe. In 1986 the Mileage Club walk/run program was created to offer knowledge, support, and tools to track physical activity. 

The Mileage Club Program has helped millions of children over the last 40 years to increase their physical fitness level, cognitive thinking and learning, manage behavior and emotions.

So what does Mileage Club have to do with underfunded schools and how can you help?

By donating to Fitness Finders Foundation Mileage Club GoFund.Me Fundraiser, you allow us to provide equipment, incentives, and support for children in underfunded schools. We can help students who are missing out on receiving proper education, brain breaks, fitness programs, etc. around the globe.

How Will Fitness Finders Foundation Use My Donation?

With your support and donations, Fitness Finders Foundation can provide children with equipment, incentives, and support to promote health and well-being among children in underfunded schools through its Mileage Club Program.

Why Mileage Club?

  • Fight Obesity

  • Encourage Fitness

  • Enhance Focus & Concentration

  • Improve Overall Cognitive Function

  • Foster Positive Habits

  • Teach Teamwork

  • Set Goals

  • Build Self-Confidence

How to Donate?

Join our Mileage Club Campaign and help contribute to our $50,000 goal which will directly benefit schools lacking resources for physical education. You can make a difference by donating today.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Fun Reading Activities for Kids: National Reading Month

 March is a special month that brings the joy of reading into the spotlight - it's National Reading Month! This time of year is perfect for encouraging the young readers in your life to explore new worlds, go on adventures, and discover the magic that books have to offer.

Whether you're a parent, teacher, or mentor, there are countless ways to make reading fun and engaging for children.

In this article, we'll dive into some creative and enjoyable reading activities that are sure to kindle a love for reading in kids of all ages.

young boy reading a book

5 Fun Reading Activities for Kids

1. Start a Book Club for Kids

One of the best ways to make reading a social and enjoyable activity is to start a book club. Gather a group of kids who are at similar reading levels and choose books that cater to their interests. You can meet weekly or monthly to discuss the books, share thoughts, and engage in activities related to the story. This not only enhances comprehension skills but also builds social connections through shared experiences. 

2. Create a Reading Reward Program

Motivation plays a key role in encouraging kids to read more. Setting up a reading rewards program can be an exciting way for kids to track their progress and get rewarded for their efforts. Websites like Fitness Finders offer fantastic resources for creating a rewards system. Whether it's earning a badge for every book read or achieving milestones for a certain number of pages, these tangible rewards can significantly boost their enthusiasm for reading.

3. Dive Into Interactive Reading Apps

In this digital age, interactive reading apps can be a wonderful supplement to traditional reading. These apps often include stories with animations, sound effects, and interactive elements that make reading a more immersive experience. By combining technology with education, kids can enjoy the process of learning to read and improve their literacy skills in a fun and engaging way.

4. Host a Book-Theme Party

Imagine the excitement of bringing a favorite book to life! Hosting a book-themed party can be a fantastic way to celebrate reading. Choose a beloved book and organize activities, games, and crafts based on its theme. From a magical Harry Potter evening to an adventurous Percy Jackson day, the possibilities are endless. 

This not only makes reading fun but also allows kids to express their creativity and imagination.

5. Encourage Creative Writing

Reading and writing go hand in hand. Encouraging kids to write their own stories can enhance their understanding and appreciation of literature. Provide prompts or story starters related to the books they're reading, and let their imagination run wild. This not only improves their writing skills but also helps them to think critically about the stories they read.

Making Reading a Joyful Adventures

As we celebrate National Reading Month, let's remember that the goal is to instill a lifelong love of reading in children. By incorporating fun reading activities, we can transform reading from a solitary task into a joyful and shared adventure.

Engaging in activities like starting a book club, creating a reading rewards program, exploring interactive reading apps, hosting book-themed parties, and encouraging creative writing can make a significant difference in how children perceive reading. It's about making reading an enjoyable part of their lives, something they look forward to every day.

Reading opens doors to new worlds, ideas, and possibilities. It's a skill that not only contributes to academic success but also to personal growth and empathy. 

As we explore these fun reading activities, let's also remind ourselves of the importance of being role models. Showing kids that reading is a valued and enjoyable part of our own lives can be one of the most powerful motivators. 

In the spirit of National Reading Month, let's challenge ourselves and the kids in our lives to read more, explore more, and imagine more. After all, every book is a new adventure waiting to be discovered. Happy reading!

Don't forget to check out Fitness Finders for more resources to make reading fun and rewarding for kids.

Monday, February 12, 2024

The Power of Brain Breaks: Energizing Minds Through Movement

In the bustling world of education, we often emphasize continuous learning and academic rigor. However, there's a secret ingredient to maximizing student engagement and enhancing learning: Brain Breaks. 

These short, energizing pauses are crucial, especially for young students who can benefit immensely from a change of pace during their day. Let’s dive into why Brain Breaks are essential and how incorporating simple activities like walking and running can transform the classroom experience. 

The Science Behind Brain Breaks

Brain Breaks are not just a fun diversion; they're a necessity backed by science. Research indicates that regular breaks during learning improve attention and performance. A study by the University of Illinois found that brief diversions from a task can significantly improve one's ability to focus on that task for prolonged periods (University of Illinois, 2011).1 Moreover, the American Academy of Pediatrics highlights the positive impact of physical activity on cognitive skills and attitudes necessary for academic achievement.2 

Why Movement Matters

Incorporating movement into Brain Breaks, such as through walking or running, is particularly beneficial. Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, which boosts cognitive functions and promotes neurogenesis (the creation of new brain cells). It also helps in releasing endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters. This boost in mood and brain function is crucial for children, who often find it challenging to sit still and concentrate for extended periods. 

The Role of Mileage Club 

Integrating a program like the Mileage Club into Brain Breaks can be highly effective. This program encourages walking and running in a structured yet fun way, enabling students to track their progress. It's not just about physical movement; it's about setting goals, achieving them, and feeling a sense of accomplishment. While the focus is not solely on walking or running, these activities serve as a vehicle for students to experience the benefits of Brain Breaks. 

Practical Implementation 

Implementing Brain Breaks in the classroom is simpler than it sounds. A Brain Break can be as easy as a five-minute walk around the school or a short jog on the playground. Teachers can use this time to engage with students in a more informal setting, further strengthening their bond. 

Creative and Fun Ideas for Brain Breaks

1. Nature Walks

               Encourage students to observe their environment and discuss what they see. 

2. Relay Races

            A fun way to get the heart pumping and instill a sense of teamwork.

3. Dance Breaks

            Let students shake off the cobwebs with a quick dance session

4. Stretching Exercises

            Gentle stretches can help relieve physical tension and mental stress. 

Student Involvement 

Empowering students to take charge of Brain Breaks can be incredibly beneficial. Allowing them to choose the activity or lead the session gives them a sense of responsibility and ownership, enhancing their engagement and enjoyment. 


Brain Breaks are an essential tool in the educational toolkit. By combining scientific evidence with practical, enjoyable activities, we can create an environment where students are more engaged, attentive, and ready to learn. Incorporating walking and running through programs like Mileage Club offers a structured way to implement these breaks, but the focus should always remain on the overarching goal: re-energizing the mind and body to enhance learning and well-being. Let's give our students the gift of movement and watch them thrive! 


  1. University of Illinois. (2011). Brief diversions vastly improve focus, researchers find. 
  2. American Academy of Pediatrics. The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Improve Your Running Program By Recognizing Their Milestones

  Toe Tokens® are everyone's favorite Mileage Club® award. They are so very effective in motivating kids to run instead of sitting during recess. Students are excited to collect every color of foot available.  And they get to wear a lanyard showing all of their friends how far they have run.

Now you can leverage the amazing motivational benefits of Toe Tokens with Milestone Awards!

Runner showing off her Toe Tokens on a Lacelink Lanyard®

Milestone Awards are for the long-term, bigger goals you help your students achieve.

    Unlike Toe Tokens, which are meant to be earned by everyone, a Milestone Award is designed to be reached by the hardest working students. For the kids who refuse to miss a running day due to bad weather or those who request a makeup day following an illness.  You will probably only have a few of these students in your program. These special “Milestones” are not intended to be reached by everyone.

Mileage Club Milestone Award Table

    Milestone Awards must be unique and special. Reaching difficult milestones deserves bigger awards. Because of this, we just added a new product to our lineup called the Snap-On Toe Token Charm. This award is larger than your standard toe token and is made of a rubberized material that is soft and pliable. 

The Snap-On Toe Token Charm is designed for encouragement and style! The patented snap technology makes it simple to snap on and snap off these awards on almost anything. This technology was originally designed to get away from the sharp pins used to hold a bib onto your shirt when running a road race. 

Show off these special Toe Tokens on your favorite clothing and accessories without the fear of ruining them! Snap it onto a shirt, watch bands, a backpack, a hat, or a shoe.   

Try our Snap-On Toe Token Charm for one of this season’s Milestone Awards for your top runners, and you will see your program "run" better than ever. 

Monday, August 15, 2022

How Atlanta Track Club Maximizes Their Community Reach

Run clubs are advantageous for everyone involved—parents, teachers, kids, etc. There are so many benefits:
  • Goal setting
  • Habit formation
  • Increased physical activity
  • Fun
And these are just a few of them! Starting a run club because of these benefits is a no-brainer, but if you find yourself without the right tools, it can get a bit tricky – especially if you’re organizing run clubs for a whole community of people.

One way to organize your run club that makes all this much simpler is to use technology to manage, report, and track the data from your club. Our EZ Scan® app is the best tool that makes this easier at any given site or even across a whole community. EZ Scan helps you step back and see the bigger picture.

The EZ Scan® “Community” feature provides a place for community leaders to track progress across any number of run club sites (be that schools, Y’s, clubs, or community events). Tracking progress helps ensure that all those parents, teachers, and kids involved are successful with their goals.

One example of a successful EZ Scan community using this feature is the Atlanta Track Club. Originally, Atlanta Track Club started with just 7 locations in the greater Atlanta area, but in a few short years, that number has worked up to 56! Keeping track of mileage for that many locations could be difficult, but with the EZ Scan app, tracking the entire Atlanta Track Club’s community miles is as simple as clicking a buttonDuring the 2021-2022 school year, Atlanta Track Club recorded over 20,000 miles, averaging a whopping 20 miles per child across each of their locations.

As mentioned before, EZ Scan also provides progress reports for individual schools or locations. One such example is Kilometer Kids, the free running program for K-8 kids. Though Kilometer Kids is a part of the Atlanta Track Club community, each Kilometer Kids location individually tracks participants’ laps and helps them set their own goals. They were able to see if each child in their program ran 26.2 miles—the length of a marathon—over their 10-week season.