Sunday, February 5, 2017

Heart Month: Protect a Teacher's Heart

Heart Month

In the month of February, the heart gets a lot of attention. Of course, there is the symbolic red heart, with its swooping, rounded top and pointed bottom. We see it everywhere as Valentine’s Day approaches. But what about the most important heart? The one that is inside of us.

The Heart of Fitness Finders

Here at Fitness Finders, heart healthiness is a major focus, stemming all the way back to the passion of our founder, Charles Kuntzleman. He even wrote about this in his book, “Instructors Guide for Feelin’ Good,” stating that regular exercise will make the heart stronger and more efficient. Exercise decreases resting heart rate, so the heart is not nearly as strained as we move through everyday life. That is why you will see a heart shaped eyelet in every Toe Token® in our Mileage Club® program.

The Heart of a Classroom

A passionate, encouraged, and supported teacher is like a healthy heart...
     Thump Thump — A kindergartener recites the alphabet
     Thump Thump — A fight is broken up
     Thump Thump — A first grader learns, “I’m sorry”
     Thump Thump — 30 research papers are graded, just in time for bed
But the pulse behind education can gradually weaken if the teacher's heart goes unprotected. "Those kids become ours in a way," said Betty Lindquist, an elementary school teacher with 27 years of experience. "We want to do everything right for them, and that can result in stress buildup."

Protecting a Teacher's Heart

"Teachers need support from administration, constant encouragement, and an outlet like exercise," said Betty. "I used to walk with other teachers to give us space and release the stress of the day, as well as encourage each other. "

Here are some other ideas of how you can reinforce a teacher’s heart’s defense:

  • Anyone: Reconnect with a favorite teacher. Thank them for their influence on your life and update them on how you have put your education to work. 
  • Kids: Say something nice to your teacher, at least once per week. 
  • Parents: Send an encouraging email, thanking your child’s teacher for hard work. 
  • Teachers: Establish support systems within your network of coworkers. Encourage each other and vent stress when necessary. Consider a structured fitness program like The Mega Mileage Club®, to keep you moving and working toward a goal together. 
"The heart of teaching will always be in me," said Betty. "There is nothing like seeing those light bulb moments and grounding students in the love of learning."

1 comment:

  1. Love the ideas for how to reinforce a teacher's heart's defense!
    As a future educator, I am often warned about the difficulties of under appreciation that comes with teaching. Having ideas and supports for how to encourage and love teachers is inspiring!


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